2020 began much like any year; people and organizations went about their business as usual, then COVID-19 changed how they lived, worked, and interacted. As it progressed, 2020 underscored the importance of giving and reinforced Q2’s mission to build strong and diverse communities.

Giving back in meaningful ways

With a stated belief in strengthening communities, Q2 invests in organizations whose impacts align closely to Q2’s mission, alleviate the particular challenges that 2020 has brought, and are meaningful and relevant to Q2’s global workforce.


Since 2016, Q2 has remained a constant advocate of Code2College, which identifies, recruits, prepares, and places women in tech jobs. Q2’s has presented workshops, provided volunteer instructors and mentors, and hosted summer interns to support Code2College’s mission to increase the number of minority and low-income high school students who enter and excel in STEM undergraduate majors. Q2 contributed $100,000 to Code2College’s Vision 2024 campaign, an initiative committed to placing 200 Black and Latinx women into STEM roles by the year 2024.

Black Girls Code and Year Up

These organizations are committed to promoting an essential cause for building diverse communities – the inclusion and success of people of color in technology. Thanks to Q2’s annual client conference attendees' generosity plus savings associated with moving the conference client to the digital channel, Q2 was able to donate more than $25,000 to these organizations.

International Relief Teams

As Q2 expands in the marketplace, so does its mission. Q2 donated $70,000 to International Relief Teams (IRT) to help alleviate the distress Gulf Coast Hurricane and California and Pacific Northwest Wildfires caused in 2020 and support those impacted in rebuilding their lives.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

The mission of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) directly impacts the lives of many Q2 team members and their families. For several years, Q2 has hosted a charitable company-wide dodgeball tournament with proceeds benefiting JDRF. In 2020, Q2 donated $30,000 to the organization in place of the tournament.

Digital community service

Q2 also leverages digital solutions to enable team members to make meaningful contributions of time and money to causes relevant to them, including an internal web app called YouEarnedIt (powered by Kazoo), which lets Q2 team members recognize each other for exceptional work. A collaborative internal community service tool, Qmmunity powered by YourCause, empowers team members to collaborate on causes they believe in and share their time and talent. A recent Qmmunity campaign for Lifeworks Austin raised more than $20,000, supporting youth striving to exit homelessness.

Adapting to the new normal

Q2 created the Q2 2020 Virtual Olympics, a series of events that provided an innovative avenue for team members to support JDRF and other organizations, including:

Friendship Home for Lincoln

This organization supports, shelters, and advocates for victims of domestic violence and their children.

HelpAge India

This leading charity in India works with and for disadvantaged elderly.

Food Banks

Q2 team members have donated funds and nonperishable items to local food banks as hunger-relief organizations face skyrocketing needs.

Communities’ needs grow and evolve, but Q2’s commitment to providing the solutions and support they need remains constant – through these unusual times and beyond.

Additional resources


Written by Q2