Governance, Ethics and Compliance

Our solutions leverage our deep domain expertise and the significant investments we have made in the design and development of our data center architecture and other technical infrastructure, including public cloud services. Our solutions are designed to meet the stringent security and technical requirements for FIs and financial services providers.

Compliance and Secure Services

Q2 Customers can rely on our data centers’ security programs, regulatory certification, and other technical infrastructure to assist them in meeting their security and technical compliance obligations. By doing so, our customers avoid the significant cost and effort associated with building, maintaining, and upgrading a regulatory-compliant and secure environment. This is one of the many benefits of our solutions and a key reason why our customers value our partnerships with them.

Board of Directors

Q2’s Board of Directors has seven members, three of whom are women and one of whom is non-white. Six of the seven Board members are classified as independent under SEC and NYSE guidelines. A separate Lead Independent Director presides over executive sessions of the Board and serves as a liaison between our independent directors and Chair. In addition, our Chairman Emeritus serves as an important resource, providing feedback and support for the Board.
  • matt-flake

    Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board

  • lynn-atchison

    Board Member

  • jeffrey-diehl

    Board Member

  • stephen-hooley

    Board Member

  • jim-offerdahl

    Board Member

  • margaret-taylor

    Board Member

  • lynn-tyson

    Board Member

Tone from the Top

Our Board of Directors and its committees play an active role in setting expectations regarding ethics and compliance. They review policies, stay abreast of best practices for corporate governance, and monitor new and emerging issues.

Audit Committee

Our Audit Committee oversees the quality and integrity of our financial reporting and general compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Our Internal Audit and Compliance teams report quarterly to our Audit Committee on our compliance with internal controls and procedures, including our adherence to our ethics and compliance training programs. Our Audit Committee also maintains oversight of our Related Party Transactions Policy, which requires Audit Committee review and approval of related party transactions.

Risk and Compliance Committee

Our Risk and Compliance Committee also meets quarterly and oversees our risk management and compliance programs, our information systems, and the adherence of our solutions to legal and regulatory requirements.

Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

Our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee oversees our corporate governance guidelines, compliance with NYSE listing standards and, in conjunction with our Audit Committee, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee also oversees our ESG developments and initiatives.

Committed Team

Our employees are paramount to our success, and we operate by a set of principles that guide us to be ethical and accountable to our customers, partners, the communities we serve, each other, and other stakeholders in achieving our mission. New employees are presented with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics during the required orientation. We expect employees to internalize the Code and affirm its importance. Shortly after starting with Q2, new employees also receive training on, among other topics, insider trading, anticorruption, privacy, and data protection and how to handle confidential information. We also regularly inform our employees about our globally accessible compliance hotline, where anyone can anonymously report any concerns about misdeeds or ethical issues.

  • atx-fdn
  • working-volunteer

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our corporate social responsibility program Q2 Spark was launched at the end of 2021. This initiative, designed to ignite people’s passion for philanthropy, complements our corporate-wide efforts while empowering our employees to determine where and how they focus their time, treasure, and talent to impact their communities. Under Q2 Spark, we launched the Q2 Philanthropy Fund in 2022, an initiative to make it easier and more accessible for non-profit organizations to apply for grants from Q2.