Win SMB loans without sacrificing profitability

Small business lending is a low margin, high-volume business. You need to be fast, efficient, and flexible if you are going to maintain profitability. Q2’s Small Business Package makes all that possible.

With the Q2 Small Business Package you can:

Ensure profitable pricing

Create and configure rate sheets that enable your relationship managers to quickly get to a price that ensures profitability. Use a wide range of input options – regions, cost structures, fees, origination channels, capital, etc. – to create different targets for each rate sheet.

A community bank in the Midwest has used the Small Business Package to create 25 rate sheets in the past year.


Easily update and maintain your rate sheets

With our centralized pricing platform, you can quickly and easily update your profitability targets and pricing assumptions on your existing sheets across markets and track their publishing history to ensure version control. You can also set up automated notifications that trigger when deals are priced too far below your ROE targets.

A regional bank in the mid-Atlantic has used the Small Business Package to make 777 updates to 13 rate sheets in the past year.


Price loans directly within your Salesforce platform

With our Small Business Package Connector, your relationship managers fill in just a few fields and immediately receive the right rate for their deal – all from within your Salesforce Platform. 


Power your own SMB pricing experience

If you already have an existing SMB pricing experience, you can use APIs to connect it to our centralized pricing platform to get updated, accurate rate quotes that align to your profitability targets.


100 bps more in spreads

Clients with Q2's Small Business package achieved spreads over cost of funds on SMB loans that were 100 bps higher than their peers.*

*SMB defined as credit relationship under $250K

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