A platform architected for security

Evolving fraud and other cybercriminal activity demands a digital banking provider make security central to its platform. Q2 does, embracing multilayer security and cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA) to offer around-the-clock protection.

Best practices at work for you and your account holders

Security is interwoven through all aspects of the engineering environment. Our security approach focuses on five best practices that work together to deliver a highly effective level of security to financial institutions.

Effective security at every level

Q2 is a leader in digital banking security across applications, infrastructure, and data. We use a range of techniques and technologies—zero trust, behavioral analysis with anomaly detection, endpoint interrogation, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning, blockchain, transaction risk management, and much more.

Continuous service and workload availability

Q2 is focused on providing always-available, uninterrupted digital banking. To support this effort, we utilize active-active hosting and a distributed cloud architecture to ensure maximum performance and protection.

Future-proof protection with CSMA

Q2 adheres to a CSMA strategy that relies on an ecosystem of tools and controls to secure a distributed digital banking environment. The technology is in place at Q2 to secure many complex environments.

Detect fraud before it happens

Q2's behavioral analysis with anomaly detection, endpoint interrogation, zero trust perimeter protection, and more can offer fraud prevention in real time.

Data protection and always-on disaster recovery

Q2 uses blockchain, active disaster recovery, and a distributed cloud to provide data privacy, uptime, and reliable workflow processes.

Stay ahead of smart fraudsters:
Protecting PCI data with blockchain technology 

Q2 TrustView, using ALTR technology, mitigates the breach of PCI data in real time and aims to safeguard that critical data by fragmenting it across a private, low-latency blockchain network. Our blockchain solution is designed to ward off cyberattacks from multiple servers focused on centralized data points.


Security for growing digital complexity

Q2’s CSMA strategy will greatly reduce security threats in a digital banking world of increased fintech partnerships and complicated infrastructure. 


Proactive monitoring, 24/7/365

We don’t believe in waiting for incidents to happen. In fact, one third of issues are proactively detected and resolved by Q2 support engineers. Through our state-of-the-art Integrated Operations Center (IOC), we proactively monitor our clients’ platforms across five key areas.


Security from a recognized leader

Q2 has been recognized as a data security leader by the respected CSO Magazine for our decades of expertise and outstanding security track record.

  • $1B in suspicious transactions identified by Q2 Sentinel in 2023 that our FIs chose not to process after human review. 
  • >$1B in fraud stopped by our positive pay solution, Centrix ETMS, in 2023.
  • 99.9% Availability

NIST Level 4 Maturity Rating Adaptive/Resilient

Q2’s cyber/information security capabilities are both mature and adaptive towards new cyber risks and evolving threats. Adaptive cybersecurity programs are more resilient towards destructive cyber attacks.

“In addition to Q2’s Centrix ETMS positive pay, we use Q2 Sentinel, another risk mitigator embedded in our digital banking. Together, they provide a lot of information for our fraud department and customers. When the system flags a transaction, the customers will say, ‘Oh, wow, you really are watching.’ They know we take their security very seriously.”

Jennifer Maggio
VP and Business Solutions Manager
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Q2 security products

In addition to our best-practices platform security architecture, Q2 uses artificial learning (AI)/deep machine learning in additional products to further deter criminals in the always-on digital banking world.


Learn more about the Q2 platform